Well it's been a week since my last.....sorry I didn't plan to leave it that long but I was hit by the horrible cold that everyone seems to have. It came on last Friday & by Saturday I was totally wiped out & had to leave work at 11am. Sunday I felt no better but had to head off to here.......

Yes my final craft fair....yippee..... I felt right poorly as I cuddled up to the radiator for the day. I had lots of visitors from good friends who dropped in to say hello & some even brought from me! It made me think what a lucky girl I'm ..... some people had no one turn up to say hello! I have some very kind friends....thank you.....you know who you are!!!
It was a good day & well worth going, at the end I was handed a business card by a local shop owner & asked to set up a meeting in the new year as she would love to stock my things...yay...fantastic!!!
I still haven't managed to shake the cold off but it was back to work on Monday...... Tuesday evening I headed off to Totnes Christmas market with my friend Erica & her MIL......
I didn't buy very much because it was just soooooo busy that you couldn't enjoy it......although I did enjoy the lovely (hot!) curry we had!
I'm still kicking myself about the lovely CK eiderdown that I found for £60....nearly 1/2 price! No surprise there eh Erica? But there was a reason that I didn't buy it..... I won't go into details but it's dry clean only & I have 2 cats.....say no more!!
Here are the goodies I brought......

The hat I brought at Topsham....hand knitted & only £5! .........it doesn't fit very well because I've got too much hair. Just look at those tree decorations.....how fab are those??? We were chuckling at the egg stall but then I found these....I love them & at 99p each such a bargain, wish I brought more now.
Ok so you can see my best buy from Totnes just hiding under the hat..... I spotted this within 2 mins of entering the market & thought it would be out of my price range. I kept walking past & looking thinking that I really didn't need it but then I asked how much it was..... oh you don't want that the lady said it's got a really big chip .....where I asked???? Can you not see it.......

Ohhh you mean the tiny chip on the corner that you can hardly see!! So she sold it to me for 50p...what a bargain!!!

Now doesn't it look lovely..... I was only saying to Sal that I wanted to get a piece of Christmas china this year.
In my last post I said I was going to treat myself from Amazon....well here it is....

You can blame Hen for making me buy this book......she forced me ....honest!!!!
So after buying myself a brand new book I headed to the CS to find some gifts for stockings!
The when we were young book is for my mum as we were only saying the other day how good this book was, Thomas for my nephew who's only 8 months old......think he's too young but I know my brother will enjoy it as he used to have it when he was young! The lovely walking holiday is for Liv......

Isn't this book beautiful????

Don't know if it's the right age for her but the pictures are so lovely I just had to get it for her stocking.

I also managed to pick up a fantastic Fisher Price telephone for my nephew at a bargain price so I'm one happy girl. I feel really pleased with the fact I've nearly got all my presents for about £70..... I've even recycled, brought from CS & made lots so I'm also feeling very smug!!!
Thanks for your comments about my new manager, he spoke with my store manager last week & said he would apologize to me....this hasn't happened yet but he's been leaving me alone for the last week so that's a good thing. Although he's sending me to Cheltenham on Friday to manage the store....oh joy that's a 16 hour day for me then!!!
Hope you're all having a good week & not getting to stressed about Christmas.....do you know I might even buy a tree this week!!!!!.... as you know I don't do Christmas but I just love those decorations so much I might give in.