Thursday, 27 November 2008

20% off at habitat.....

Yes we're doing it again.... I have another friends & family email for 20% off......valid 4th-7th Dec. You can use it in any habitat store so if you fancy a treat or need to buy some Christmas gifts give me a shout & I'll email you one.

I was hoping I could be clever & put it on my blog so you could help yourself but my skills don't stretch that far!!!!

Hope you're all having a good week..... looking forward to the weekend & my visit to John Lewis.... thinking about getting the red sewing machine like Mel's. What a treat...


  1. Hi Joe,

    How exciting, treating yourself to a sewing machine! Look forward to hearing all about it.
    Hen x

  2. When you get your sewing machine you won't have the time to blog..hope you realise that!! LOL

  3. I am after a new sewing machine, mine is kaput and my vintage one is too hefty to use all the time.

    I lurve Habitat but I'm saving my money for something v special. Thanks for sharing with us all though.

  4. Are you going away?
    If i've missed you have a fab time hunxxxx

  5. Yes we went to the shop and introduced ourselves..the girl shouted out 'Sal's Snippets!'
    Thankfully the shop was not crowded!She let me take some pics for my next post.
    If you want the clipboard let me know and I will save you postage and deliver it by hand!!!(Good excuse for another visit to Exeter)
    See you soon ;-)

  6. Oooo, that would be a lovely sewing machine - red is such a cheerful colour.
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my sewing post. x

  7. Hi hun.....thats the thing about long standing friends, time moves on and sometimes you do grow apart, also sometimes going over old memories loses its fun and you begin to feel as tho you never get to move on from a certain point in your life....

    I'm going for a woodland walk and then a bowl of humble soup in the Wizard cafe, no doubt i'll do a post also....LOL, so whats new....!!!!


    P.S...enjoy your crafty day!

  8. Hi Joe
    I am coming to Exeter to start my Xmas shopping on Friday and would love a 20% off voucher for Habby. Is this where you work? Shall I seek you out to say hi?
    Donna x
