Wednesday, 17 April 2013

My Week....

So I haven't been about for a week...... not much has happened.

Working..... trying to appeal my disciplinary action..... going out too much.... much of the same really!

Jean enjoying a good roll

Watching The Wonderstuff at Exeter Phoenix

I'm looking forward to the weekend..... I'm off to see The Beat again with my friend.
Another late night then!

Back soon


  1. Hope everything turns out well for you.
    Enjloy the Beat
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. Back to work after Easter and it feels a bit flat. At least you have something to look forward to. Have fun. Xxx

  3. will be keeping my fingers crossed for you on the work front. The going out bit sounds great - you need the chance for a break with everything else going on. I didn't realise the Wonder Stuff were in Exeter - was it a good night ? So many happy memories of dancing away in Boxes back in the day to Wonderstuff, EMF and the like!

  4. How is everything going with all your work stuff?

    Victoria x
